• 21:42
  • Tuesday ,15 August 2017

The homeland is bleeding

Mina M. Azer

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,15 August 2017

The homeland is bleeding

It may be understood to have foreign plans to kill Egyptian people by terrorists who hate Egypt and the Egyptians. However, it is very hard to understand how negligence and corruption are more lethal to the Egyptians than terrorism.

The Egyptian blood has been shed on the railroad tracks for a long time, and the officials are playing the blame game with their predecessors. The minister of transportation says that developing the railway will cost 2.5 billion dollars, which is less than any of our brilliant mega projects that is being carried out by the government.
Journalists always mourn during similar accidents and start blaming the officials and explain the importance of developing the railway system in order to save lives. However, I have another solution for the government, which is to double the price of the tickets four times. This will make less people use the train and consequently we will have fewer accidents. However, in case the Egyptians insist on using the train with the high prices, the ministry will have enough money to compensate the victims!
Many officials may love this fancy solution as they claim they seek developing this country, but have no idea how to do this. I remember here the selfie of paramedics with the crashed train which reflects how irresponsible they are.