• 08:11
  • Thursday ,24 August 2017

Criminalization of praying!

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,24 August 2017

Criminalization of praying!

Sectarian discrimination is one of the greatest threats in Egypt, especially in Upper Egypt where it is supported by germs of discrimination and religious arrogance of extremists. Graduates of Al-Azhar in Egypt share such ideology with ISIS and Wahbbism as well.

Those extremists are teaching the simple people how to hate Christians and to refuse to allow them pray! Of course they don t care the Copts are praying for Egypt, its people, police, army and prosperity. They only care that those simple will be transferred into community of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (and prayers of the Copts)!
The simple then start demonstrating against prayers of the Copts concerning it vice. Therefore, many times the angry mobs attack and destroy Christian houses of worship.
Here police not only are unable to stop them, but also they arrest Christians whom committed the crime of holding Christian prayers! It is worth mentioning here that Muslims are granted all rights to pray in thousands of unlicensed mosques and have the right to pray and preach in the streets of Egypt and Europe as well! 
Some forces work hard to exaggerate these sectarian problems and show the world that Egypt is full of it though they only happen in certain places and villages in Upper Egypt. 
The cause of this phenomenon is several forces working in the Middle East and trying to divide the region by all means including a tiny rich state suffering from a feeling of inferiority.
These forces have plans to stop the progress of Egypt. Such plans are faced by a strong army and brave policemen. Yet, the religious ignorance of the majority of Egyptians and the silence of Al-Azhar that ignored its role to raise religious awareness.