• 10:20
  • Wednesday ,27 September 2017

From the bottom to the peak

By-Dr. John Magdy

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,27 September 2017

From the bottom to the peak

No matter how dire or terrible situation you have, you may still be better than the vagrant Ted Williams, I mean the great: Ted Williams who was nicknamed the Golden Voice!

Williams grew up in Bedford, Brooklyn, New York, worked for three years in the US Army before he left it. He joined a school to be a voice over talent, and worked as an anchor for a while. He amrreid and had 9 children, including 7 girls. But his life began to break down since 1986. He joined a group of drug dealers and was arrested several times for theft and possession of drugs. He was imprisoned twice for three months in 1990 for theft and the second for two months in 2004 for forgery, theft and obstruction of official work.
After he left prison, he found no work or shelter and became a lost homeless man. Even though he reached the bottom of the word, he did not despair and he said to himself I will start again no matter what. He wrote on a piece of paper that he has a sweet voice talent and a former radio announcer, and asked for help. Later, a journalist found him and listened to his voice and loved it. He held an interview with him that was publishe on Youtube and followed by nearly 14 million people. 
Soon, he recieved offers from several companies to hire him and soon he became rich after he got rid of drugs. Whatever happens, never give up. You still have a chance to move even from the bottom to the peak of success.