• 06:34
  • Tuesday ,10 October 2017

Art Alert: Three gender-themed plays in The Show Goes On at Cairos Falaki Theatre


Light News


Tuesday ,10 October 2017

Art Alert: Three gender-themed plays in The Show Goes On at Cairos Falaki Theatre

From 13 to 22 October Falaki theatre will host The Show Goes On, a programme of three different plays on the theme of gender.

Each of the plays will run for three consecutive days; Hal El-Dafayer (Untangled),  45  and Hekayat Khat El Om (Motherline).
Untangled is a social gender-centric comedy directed by Mohamed Fouad Abdeen, who co-wrote it with Sally Zohney, and performed by Wojood theatre troupe.
The play reflects on the issues and struggles of being young, from the stigma of infertility, to social pressures regarding marriage among other contemporary issues.
Directed by Nada Sabet, 45 is a monodrama performed by Abeer Soliman. A Woman at the age of 45 examines her life after awakening on the hospital bed as the effect of anesthesia wears off.
“Amal explores her entire life, the choices she has made and not made, comparing, judging, dreaming and fantasizing alternative lives,” the play s description reads.
45 has been previously performed in Cairo, Asyut, Qena, Aswan, Al Minya.
Motherline is a storytelling performance by the U.S based The Mother Line Story Project, “a storytelling collective and incubator for female expression,” as stated on their website.
The project invites participants to write and perform 2-minute monologues in the voice of their mother, or grandmother of great grandmother, thus exploring their mother line.
This is the project s first time in the Middle East, and the performances are directed by Eliza Simpson and Dalia El-Basiouny, after moderating a workshop held with actresses of the Egyptian Sabeel for The Arts Theater Company.