• 15:54
  • Monday ,12 February 2018

Turkey is Not That Far

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,10 February 2018

Turkey is Not That Far
The operations that the Egyptian Army announced yesterday, is not that from Turkey. The time and
amount of soldiers taking part in this military operation puts forth many questions.
Lately, we have all come to know that the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs had mentioned that Turkey will search for gas and oil on the Egyptian Mediterranean border, claiming that they have the
right to that area.
Once this Egyptian Military Operationbegan, all the experts began to say that these efforts are really to put an end to the militants in this area. However, I have a difference opinion than what
all the experts are saying.
As a matter of fact, the kind of weapons,and amount used in this operation leads us to believe that there are multiple reasons behind this operation at this time that we are left in the dark about.
In my opinion, one of the main reasons for this endeavour is to show the Turkish Government and President that the Egyptian Army is ready for any threats that they may face along the Mediterranean.
This is the Egyptian Army sending a message to Erdogan saying that we are ready to strike if your country attempts to cross the Egyptian border from any side.