• 18:20
  • Friday ,02 March 2018

Health Ministry to introduce new diabetes drug injected weekly


Light News


Friday ,02 March 2018

Health Ministry to introduce new diabetes drug injected weekly

Egypt’s Health Ministry has approved the introduction of a new drug for diabetes, injected once a week, four times a month, which inhibits the sudden drop in the blood’s glucose level if blood-sugar levels are to decrease.

During a press conference on Tuesday to announce the introduction of the new drug to the Egyptian market, the Head of National Institute of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Hesham al-Hefnawy, said that diabetes is a common disease which 415 million people around the world suffered from in 2015.
By 2040, the number is expected to exceed 614 million, he said, pointing out that Egypt is among the top 10 countries suffering from diabetes, and according to the latest statistics, the number of people with diabetes in Egypt is 8.3 million.
Professor of Internal Medicine at Cairo University, and Head of the Diabetes & Endocrinology Center at Kasr al-Aini Hospital, Ibrahim al-Ebrashy, expected that Egypt will be ranked 6th in the world in 2045, with 16.7 million diabetic patients.
Meanwhile, Professor of Endocrinology and Diabetes at Ain Shams University Salah Shelbaya said that the new drug for diabetics is characterized by its ability to control glucose effectively without entering a patient with low-blood sugar.
He added that the new drug depends on blood sugar level, and works to reduce the weight of the patient to some extent, primarily for patients who experienced weight gain.
Shelbaya added that the composition of this treatment is very special, as the active ingredient injected under the skin works for a week in the blood before disappearing, and it is a hormone similar to natural hormones found in the body.
Meanwhile, Professor of Diabetes and Endocrinology Enas Shaltot said that modern treatments for diabetes have been developing rapidly every few months, contributing to the good control of glucose, and protecting the patient from many complications.