• 13:39
  • Wednesday ,20 June 2018

Red Sea governorate washes streets with greywater for the first time


Home News


Wednesday ,20 June 2018

Red Sea governorate washes streets with greywater for the first time

The Red Sea governorate has begun an unprecedented experiment in Egypt of using greywater to clean streets and irrigate gardens in Hurghada, in order to save up to 40% of water following shortages.

Greywater is relatively clean waste water from baths, sinks, washing machines, and other kitchen appliances.
“The idea started with the installation of independent greywater treatment units in houses, in order reuse water in gardening and street cleaning, and to be the first model of an idea that could be distributed to the rest of residential areas in Hurghada,” head of the drinking water company in the governorate Yehia Siddiq said on Monday.
Siddiq revealed that the gray water treatment unit consists of 3 stages, starting with the separation of oils and fats and materials used for cleaning, the second stage is greywater filtration by gravel, sand and coal and the last stage is storing the filtered water.
He said that this project is done with the aim of spreading environmental awareness at all levels and that special equipped cars are used to carry out the experiment.
Siddiq explained that this will contribute significantly into saving water and reducing pressure on the water and sewage networks.
Governor Ahmed Abdullah entrusted the officials of the Holding Company for Water and Sanitation and the Directorate of Education to expand the use of greywater by implementing the idea in schools and to use the greywater in irrigation crops within the school’s courtyard.
Greywater accounts for 40% of the total household wastewater, and this shows how important this water is. It is a fundamental, strategic and vital element related to life, economic and social development, the governor said.