• 14:00
  • Thursday ,19 July 2018

Bishop Abram... a friend of the poor

By-Samia Ayad

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,19 July 2018

Bishop Abram... a friend of the poor

His care for the poor and the needy were beyond the limit. He suffered too much and kept very few for himself. He is Bishop Abraam of Fayoum, the friend of the poor.

HG Bishop Bishoy of Kafr El-Sheikh said in his article  The immortal life of Bishop Abram  explained the suffering of the saint because of his love of the poor and the needy.
The Saint was a hermit called Poulos who was chosen to preside over his monastery in Upper Egypt. After being removed from the presidency, he moved to Wadil Natroun with a group of his disciples.
He increased his prayers and readings till he was chosen by Father John the scribe (Pope Cyril V) to be bishop of Fayoum and Giza.
Bishop Abraam kept his service and care for the poor and kept his suffering because of that. Soon, he received special gift from the holy spirit to heal the sick and prophesize. 
Yet, he couldn t keep any money even to build the new Cathedral, and distributed the money on the poor, which was used to complain against him to the Pope.