• 02:10
  • Friday ,12 October 2018

Believing, but not Belonging !

Father Asanasius

Article Of The Day


Friday ,12 October 2018

Believing, but not Belonging !

The phrase “believing without belonging”, coined by British sociologist Grace Davie in the 1990s, describes the growing number of people who say they are “spiritual but not religious” and leave organised religion behind . Roman Catholicism faces a serious challenge from the rising number of people who believe in God but no longer see any need for a church, according to New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan. (6 Modern Myths about Christianity and Western civilisation , by Philip J.Sampson .6 Modern 12 Christian Beliefs that Can drive you CRAZY ! RELIEF FROM FALSE ASSUMPTIONS m by Dr.Henry Cloud and Dr.Jhon Townsend .

Once in the midst of the last century , the Anglican Bishop John Robinson wrote a book which has become an event in the history of the so called traditional faith in God ! 

The dominant theory of Honest to God is that having rejected the idea of  God up there , modern secular man needs to recognize that the idea of  God out there  is also an outdated simplification of the nature of divinity. Rather, Christians should take their cue from the existentialist theology of Paul Tillich and consider God to be  the ground of our being . 

Dietrich Bonhoeffer s notion of religion-less Christianity is also a major theme in the book. Robinson s interpretation of this phrase is—inevitably—controversial. He claims that secular man requires a secular theology. That is, that God s continuing revelation to humanity is one brought about in culture at large, not merely within the confines of "religion" or "church."

The title of the book is amazing (Honest to God) . His grace advises the readers to stop using and abusing the all Holly Name for the simple reason that It has lost Its real power and  practical  meaning .God without incarnated  secular love in every day life and manifestation of the latent talents of mankind , has become “resounding gong or a clanging cymbal” 1 Corinthians 13 :1. God , for our bishop , is no more the aim and the Beginning  and the End of civilization , but He is the means to bad ends of bad religious leaders  . One the same level and rejection of the traditional image of Godhead , another French savant said ( Notre Pere qui est au Cieux , Reste la ou vous etes !). 

Atheism is an ancient human attitude .  Atheism according to the Greek philosophers  is a subjective matter and not an objective , it means (the one who lacks inspiration !) . While  for the Jewish tradition  , there is no atheism for the simple reason that the Jewish religion believes in the omnipresence of the supernatural  powers in the very small details of everyday life  and so the Islamic religion. But someone may ask what is the meaning of the words of the Psalm 14 : 1 ( The stupid says in his heart that there is no God) , this verse does not mean that God does not exist ,for no one can deny or affirm through science only, the existence  of God,  but means that  He is Indifferent ! He does not care about the world like the ancient greek gods on the mount of Olymp ! For people look for a( delivery)  and  a (take away) God ! the same Psalm mentions the reason why the fool says there is no God , for the people are corrupt ,their deeds are vile ,there is no one who does good . God does nothing to change bad people but (looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand , an one who seek God ). The  fool one became atheist because he seeks a dictator God  and not a friendly and lovely Christ  !  

The real Christian faith is a revolution against the dictatorship of God .  Christ stood against the old image of a supernatural and metaphysical Godhead who does nor care ! Christ is a continuous process of crossing from death to life (John 5 :24) . Christian faith is not a station in the way but a movement across the way . That is why Jesus has called Himself (The Way) . Once a bishop visited a monastery of Nuns , he entered the cellule of one of the nuns , seeing her seating with the Bible opened and the Icon of Jesus ! He asked her ! why are you sitting motionless ! She answered him “I am not sitting , I am moving !).That is why G.S.Chesterton has said once “Christianity has died many times and risen again , for it has a God who knows the way out of the grave !”. This secular challenge against the traditional conceptions 

 The atheist expire when he dies  , while the faithful Christian inspire while he lives.The true expression of true Christianity should not be a sigh , but a song . The sigh gives birth to atheism and setbacks while the song  inspire  life ,critical spirit , curiosity  and creativity. Real Christianity is a real , long and creative walk to freedom. The Christian , like his Christ , burns with the luminosity of faith in the invincible nature of human hope and dignity