• 17:37
  • Wednesday ,13 March 2019

At least 20 civilians killed, including children, in north Yemen


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,13 March 2019

At least 20 civilians killed, including children, in north Yemen

At least 20 civilians, including women and children, have been killed in a village in northern Yemen, Saudi and Houthi media reported on Monday, in an attack both sides blamed on the other.

The Houthis  Al Masirah television said air strikes by a Saudi-led coalition killed 23 civilians in Kushar district.
Saudi-owned Al Arabiya TV said the Houthis had killed several members of the Hajour tribes who had begun an uprising against the movement. It quoted unnamed sources as saying 20 women and children from two families were killed.
Reuters was not able to independently verify the reports. Neither said when the attack took place.
The war has killed tens of thousands, displaced more than two million and driven the impoverished Arabian Peninsula country to the verge of famine.
Iran-aligned Houthis seized the capital, Sanaa, in late 2014, saying they were fighting a revolution against corrupt politicians and Gulf powers in thrall to the West.
The Saudi-led coalition intervened in Yemen s war in 2015 to try to restore the internationally-recognised government to power.