• 16:16
  • Monday ,27 January 2020

Egypt denies cases of coronavirus among its citizens in China


Home News


Monday ,27 January 2020

Egypt denies cases of coronavirus among its citizens in China

 Egypt denied having any cases of the new coronavirus among its expats in China, as the epidemic of the disease sparked worry and fear globally. 

According to a statement by the foreign ministry, Assistant Foreign Minister for Consular Affairs and Egyptians Abroad Yasser Mahmoud Hashim said the Egyptian Embassy in Beijing is currently following up the condition of the Egyptian community in the Chinese province of Hubei and its capital Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak of the deadly virus, by directly contacting them.
The embassy offers all kind of support to the expats in light of the Chinese government s decision to put Wuhan under quarantine and suspend all transportation to and from the city, Hashim noted.
"There are no cases of the novel coronavirus among the Egyptian expats in the city or all of China," the diplomat affirmed, pointing out that the embassy is cooperating with the Chinese authorities to ensure that the Egyptian expats are receiving all the care and help they need.
Egypt s Ambassador in Beijing Mohamed el Badry contacted a number of the community s leaders in the quarantined city, expressing his full solidarity with them and promising to provide them with all possible help.
The Foreign Ministry, for its part, expressed its appreciation for the Chinese government s tremendous efforts to contain the virus, confirming its solidarity with the Chinese people and leadership during these critical circumstances.