• 01:03
  • Wednesday ,02 May 2012

Sources: Ayman Nour supports Moussa after agreeing to form presidential team

By-Almasry Alyoum

Home News


Wednesday ,02 May 2012

Sources: Ayman Nour supports Moussa after agreeing to form presidential team

The Ghad al-Thawra Party agreed to support Amr Moussa in the upcoming presidential race following his agreement with Ayman Nour to form a presidential team, said Ghad al-Thawra Party sources.

Nour is scheduled to announce which presidential candidate the party is endorsing on Tuesday evening following a meeting of the party’s leadership.
During his weekly seminar at the party headquarters on Monday, Nour said his party “is not leaning towards any Muslim Brotherhood or semi-Muslim Brotherhood candidates, and that the Muslim Brotherhood’s monopoly over the People's Assembly, Shura Council and the new government is more than enough.”
He went on to say that “the party may support a non-revolutionary candidate who will achieve the revolution’s objective of pluralism.”
Nour then attacked the Brotherhood and its Freedom and Justice Party by saying, “The Brotherhood took an extremely astringent position and during the meetings concerned with the selection criteria for the Constituent Assembly it acted as a bully. The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces did not intervene in choosing the criteria for the formation of the Constituent Assembly.”
He added that the People’s Assembly Legislative Affairs Committee’s decision to reject the parties’ agreement on the grounds that it was “SCAF tutelage” over the Constituent Assembly was “incorrect,” but that the “Brotherhood wishes to monopolize the constitution, which is rejected by all civilian forces.”
“The Constitution means independence,” Nour said, adding that its creation must therefore involve all factions of society and that “the majority must not draft the constitution on its own.”
Nour demanded the postponement of the constitution drafting process until after the election of Egypt’s new president so as to allow civilian forces to form a real Constituent Assembly that represents all people. He called for the constitution to be written within a year instead of two weeks, and for it to be put to a referendum no less than a year later.