• 11:50
  • Monday ,07 May 2012

Catholic church: we pray for stopping violence and for the victims

By-Gergis Tawfik

Top Stories


Monday ,07 May 2012

Catholic church: we pray for stopping violence and for the victims
Bishop Kyrillos William, Acting Patriarch of Catholics has asked to stop all kind of violence including the Abbassya events.
A statement issued by the Catholic Church said: "Our hearts are engulfed of pain for the bloodshed of Egyptians in Egypt and by Egyptian hands. We condemn all kinds of violence, and call for deliberation as well as peaceful dialogue to solve our problems, as violence only begets violence”.
It added: “We pray that God have mercy on the victims, give comfort to their families, grant the injured speedy recovery, and spread peace in the hearts of all Egyptians to be filled with love and tolerance for the others".