• 10:18
  • Monday ,21 May 2012

Abba Bishoy: I didn’t mean to offense the Coptic woman

By-Gergis Tawfik

Top Stories


Monday ,21 May 2012

Abba Bishoy: I didn’t mean to offense the Coptic woman

Abba Bishoy, bishop of Damietta, Kafr El-Sheikh has issued a statement in respond to the demonstrations carried out by dozens of Christian women who protested against his announcements during the celebrations of St. Demiana when he said that Christian women should follow the Muslim women example concerning their dress.

Bishoy denied he meant to offend Christian women, but he meant some women who were attending the celebrations wearing inappropriate clothes.
The statement said Christian women are saints and they cover their head during praying like St. Mary and St. Demiana. Thus, they are an example to follow.