• 04:57
  • Tuesday ,29 May 2012

Planning minister: Govt will not intervene in runoff election

By-Almasry Alyoum

Home News


Tuesday ,29 May 2012

Planning minister: Govt will not intervene in runoff election

The government will remain impartial toward all parties during the presidential election runoff, scheduled for 16 and 17 June, Planning and International Cooperation Minister Fayza Abouelnaga has said.

Abouelnaga said the government would prioritize the country’s interests through fair and transparent polls, according to state-owned news agency MENA.
“Egypt has long suffered accusations against its governments over their alleged interference with elections,” the minister said, adding that despite allegations about electoral violations, world observers have unanimously attested to the transparency of those elections.
The first round of the election was held Wednesday and Thursday, and the Presidential Elections Commission is expected to announce the final results for that round late on Monday. Unofficial vote counting results had put the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohamed Morsy on top, with former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq at a close second.