• 09:44
  • Tuesday ,29 May 2012

FJP forms committee to monitor media performance

By-Almasry Alyoum

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,29 May 2012

FJP forms committee to monitor media performance

The Freedom and Justice Party has formed a committee to monitor media performance, as well as the stance of the party and the Muslim Brotherhood toward issues people care about, said Mohamed Emad Eddin, a member of the FJP parliamentary bloc.

Emad Eddin told Al-Masry Al-Youm that the committee is not authorized to ban MPs from dealing with the media, but that it’s meant to produce a new image for the party. It conducted a poll to select the committee members.
The committee will include FJP deputy leader Essam al-Erian and party leaders Mohamed al-Beltagy and Saad al-Husseiny, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm. They are tasked with presenting a good image of the Brotherhood that can rally supporters.
Emad Eddin said Erian has wide experience in this field and that he, as well as Beltagy and Husseiny, is considered a good Brotherhood representative.
He said the Brotherhood has been prepared to form the committee since before the presidential election started, but it became urgent because its candidate for president, Mohamed Morsy, is running in the runoff election.