• 02:28
  • Monday ,23 July 2012

Egypt's activists to commemorate birthday of slain Maspero activist


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,23 July 2012

Egypt's activists to commemorate birthday of slain Maspero activist
A ceremony to mark the 21st birthday of Mina Daniel, an activist for Coptic Christian rights who was killed alongside 26 other peaceful protesters at Maspero in October 2011, will take place on Monday in Tahrir Square.
Daniel, who would have turned 21 on Sunday, was killed by a bullet to his chest.
The event, scheduled to begin at 9pm, will show a documentary about Daniel and another about Mohamed Mohsen, who was killed on 23 July 2011 during an anti-military council march at the defence ministry.
A grassroots anti-corruption campaign called They Steal Our Bread will also be officially launched at the event.
In addition, there will be musical performances until sohour, the predawn meal eaten by Muslims during the fasting month of Ramadan.
Among the organisers of the event are No to Military Trials for Civilians, the Military Are Liars campaign, the We Are All Mina Daniel movement and the Mosireen independent media collective.