• 16:15
  • Wednesday ,03 October 2012

Abba Pachomius: Zakat is only for Muslims and shouldn't be article in Constitution

by Emad Thomas

Top Stories


Wednesday ,03 October 2012

Abba Pachomius: Zakat is only for Muslims and shouldn't be article in Constitution

Abba Pachomius, the acting patriarch, said that Coptic Christians are only demanding their basic rights, and they just want to be ordinary citizens sharing all rights and duties with their fellow citizens.

He added in 90 Minutes talk show that Zakat is an Islamic duty and shouldn't be an article in the new Constitution that is supposed to be for all Egyptians and not only Muslims. 
Abba Pachomius talked about the disappearance of an underage Coptic Christian girl at Dabaa area that is said to be going to convert to Islam. He said that she is only 14 years old and the police doesn't even give us a chance to talk to such girls to advise them and let their families reassure about their children.