• 21:15
  • Monday ,15 October 2012


J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,15 October 2012

Two things all my life I hated – forgive me God – Doctors and Lawyers! A Doctor we see him when in pain troubled and need solution and relieve... Doctors will never give you this most wanted pain relief before you go around making tests and blood analysis and x-rays then end of the line they tell you do have xyz we can not help you you will die in xyz...Am I right to HATE THEM?
Lawyers on the other hand means you are in deep deep troubles … Either you owe someone some rights could be money, house, land what so ever, from your point of view this is not true so PROVE IT; Or someone owes you something and you can not get it so TRY TO GET IT. Either case your time and money are not yours any more!
Thanks God I'm not a Doctor, neither a lawyer. I know nothing about medicine or law however today I need based on my little knowledge to talk about LAWS and the Egyptian governing laws the well known privilege to protect the justice from the other entities that would threaten absolute justice. 
It was set since long time ago Judges and attorney general as part of the Judiciary system are protected and no one can fire or lay off a Judge or Alderney General Independence of Justice is granted this way no Minister or President can turn the tables on their heads if they rule something against the will of the Governor or whomever in power, his powers can not touch Justice!
This principal is not Egyptian or Mubarak invention but Internationally known in most civilized countries. And in Egypt since ever there was 3 independent authorities named:-
Legislative authority
Legislative power is vested in the National Assembly and the King and the National Assembly shall consist of a Senate and a Chamber of Deputies
Executive power:
Executive Power shall be vested in the king/president/Governor General/ Priminister  and handled by his Ministers in accordance with the provisions of this Aldsto
Judicial power shall be vested in the courts of different kinds and levels, and issue all the provisions in accordance with the law on behalf of the king/president/governor.... 
Recently Sadat had introduced the fourth power:
The term fourth power (in English : Fourth Estate) on the media in general and the press in particular. 
The term is used today in the context of highlighting the influential role of the media is not in the dissemination of knowledge and awareness and enlightenment , but also in shaping public opinion, and guide public opinion , and disclosure of information, and create issues, and represent the government of the people, and the representation of the people's government, and represent the United have each other. I'll return to this point later in this article but my point right now was and is the INDIPENDENCE OF THE JUDICIARY SYSTEM!
Before continuing in this point I which to state clearly I do not defend the attorney general personally I which to change him I felt in lots of times he is not doing what expected from him, however I had a problem which is the only way to be changed is:-
1. The Attorney General resigned
2. He reaches legal retirement age
3. He accepts a new post in his own free will!
This is the only legal acceptable way to be changed and free the Attorney General post . 
Now on the 12th of October Friday the day decided by all political entities to account Dr. Morsy on his performance upon 100 days of performance, was synchronized with the innocence of the so called The Camel Battle accused! 
Being on trial the very well known principal any accused is innocent until proven guilty! Apparently people want any accused to be guilty sentenced to death then built the case and this is not the true procedure is there is an investigating judge looks at the evidence presented  and builds his decision based on the evidence and proves or culpability presented by the prosecutor(s). If the Judge faces the wrong accused or no real conspirator is there or the prosecutor failed to provide evidence the Judge can only rule not guilty. 
Using this event by the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) for a propaganda like stance which brings us back to the point of the 4th power -media and press-  shaping public opinion as MB to cover up and divert the attention from the accountability event! MB decided the innocence of Camels Battle accused was a good enough reason to protest and request the removal of the Attorney General, moreover to clean the Judicial system! Clean it from what? Is it a shirt need to be washed or they, MB, need to penetrate this system like they did with the press media and all other entities of Egypt?
What we saw on Friday 12th October, 2012 demonstrations, lots of young people with lot of different legal demands that people of Egypt deem vital and need urgent attention from the ruling system, however MB that does not accept any opposition or opposing voices to be heard they decided they need to protest against the Attorney General they do need him to go and he has nothing to do with the Camels Battle case or sentences cause who looked at the case an investigating Judge not the Attorney General, moreover there is a different entity to provide evidence in the case not the Attorney General, so why all this protests on him that extended to the whole  JUDICIARY SYSTEM in an attempt to penetrate this humble system that was built over the years on the best law people and honorable Judges this is an obvious attempt to demolish the only resisting system that has not been corrupted by any one over the years!
Before ending my statement I re-iterate this is not to defend And El Megid Mahmoud but just trying to put the dots on the Is trying to explain to the general public the contradictions MB fall in to it in their 12th of October accountability event, they refused opposition voices to be heard without punishment, they tangled principals to a no principal and end up proving they want not only to silence opposition but as well play the ruling party role as well as the opposition role! Note that until new elections and taking the majority in the assembly general they can not any more be named the ruling party!!
I still believe in Justice that will prevail and Egypt will remain Egypt for all Egyptians God Bless Egypt and true Egyptians!