• 07:18
  • Monday ,25 February 2013

Open Call from an Egyptian

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,25 February 2013

Open Call from an Egyptian

One of my facebook friends posted this in his status and I decided to join the cause

Please my friends...send this to all media and organizations in the world:
I am an Egyptian citizen...
I am accusing the U.S. administration that they have supported terrorists to rule Egypt and helped them in murdering the Egyptian people and occupying the land of Egypt by force of arms through fraud elections.
No to the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
Moreover I request Human right organizations and all concerned parties to open an investigation to the allegations of –Tear Gas Bombs USA made and sold to Egyptian authorities with the agreement of removing manufacturer references- if this is true an investigation to the widest possible scale is urgently required to stop atrocities on Egyptian protesters who peacefully demand their human rights or Freedom Dignity and Bread since January 2011 and none was granted yet! 
I wish to remind the world as well that gas CS used in Teargas Bombs was considered very harmful and banned its used this portion was published in an Irish Magazine about Teargas used in Bahrain …
Human rights activists in Dublin have claimed the Bahrain regime may have used CS gas up to 10-times more toxic than in normal teargas canisters to quell anti-government protestors, in contravention of some international conventions. Human rights groups claim this resulted in up to 30 deaths and several spontaneous miscarriages!
It is spreading from Port Said to Alexandria civil disobedience more power showing from the authorities to hush people in the streets and impose the ruling party views who constantly ignores a huge part of Egyptians the Christians that Doctor Morsy can not even say this word on his mouth and in more than an occasion about Christians he referred to them as other religion he speaks of Muslin Egyptians and other religions he is not allowed to say Christian Egyptians, and recently following the  pit fall of election dates he rectified his mistake referring to the Sham El Nesim occasion which is an old Pharaoh habit and national holiday and again ignored the real problem  of choosing Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday for Elections!
In this climate as the Army refused a meeting with the Pri-Minister and El Shatter questioning his legal entity for such a meeting who officially El Shatter is to meet with the head of the Army? And excused from the meeting due to current situation as they are engaged in shutting down the illegal pathways created between Gaza and Sinai, securing Port Said peaceful Demonstrations  and continue to perform their duties of protecting the Egyptian Soil and people!
As un-official reports states the about 12% of the Egyptian army is already MB –Muslim Brotherhood- we see it clearly how difficult it is in this circumstances to make a decision that the Army would take over power until new elections and constitution are done! It is not only what this 12% of the Egyptian Army can do but as well all other international issues like securing Army and Egypt from Hamas infiltrators that already many of them are in Egypt and contaminated the Police forces which I pointed to it in my last week article, there is as well the new threat of NATIONAL REVOLUTION GUARDS Iranian style it was announced couple of days ago a people based police force will be implemented to cover up the real name of REVOLUTION GUARDS but which revolution are we talking of the one stolen by MB of 2011 and the one currently is undergoing peacefully like a train taking away on its path any one who stands on the way?
A very simple fact we all need to keep in mind Army alone can never win a fight without the popular support and unity of the people behind it if 12% of the Army has loyalty else where than Egypt and it’s best interests the Army is not crippled but not advised to take chances that might lead to un-expected results. The clear bolt threat by a MB official threatening of foreign forces we all know well to help the current system remain in power imposes huge caution. 
Caution is not because our Army with 12% off its power can still stand tall and stop any foreign forces might want to try their luck but of the consequences of such a move and what might cause of worries of other countries!
We must not forget that Suez Canal is not just a vital path for world wide Economy and trade for USA alone but lots of countries have interests in the functionality of this path and they might consider securing it at the expense of the Egyptian independence like France and UK did on 1956 with Israel. 
Moreover, Israel being the spoiled brat of the USA administration might offer securing this path for their best ally US as they need it to keep an eye on their other best ally Saudi Arabia the since ever unwritten secret accord Security for Oil!  So let me explore this issue more clearly as a lot might not understand the hints behind it; Israel has all rights to secure themselves from any expected attacks of HAMAS that invaded secretly lots of places in Egypt. Secretly here means –Not Announced officially- but is not a secret for Israeli intelligence that always proved to be very efficient! They can under this pretext chase Hamas units infiltrated in Port Said, Suez and other places along the Suez Canal and therefore Israel occupies again Sinai and could be a good excuse to occupy as well all Suez Canal cities!
I know lots of people might think of my words here kind of exaggeration but I’m just demonstrating part of the risks Army has to take in consideration before any move with or against the people! 
Once again, the army’s main role is to secure Egyptian Soil and Egyptians! How and from whom against whom this is a long story only a military person can talk about it within security constrains!
However, and before closing today’s issue which was:-
I am an Egyptian citizen...
I am accusing the U.S. administration that they have supported terrorists to rule Egypt and helped them in murdering the Egyptian people and occupying the land of Egypt by force of arms through fraud elections.
No to the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
I wish to ask a question about Amed El Gendi found dead few days ago and legations said he was tortured to death…..How come no body ordered an investigation on the cause of his death? 
I rest my case for this week but will resume until Egypt is back on its own feet with the grace of God who blessed Egypt.