• 19:21
  • Monday ,18 March 2013

Morsi promises to focus on Upper Egypt grievances


Home News


Monday ,18 March 2013

Morsi promises to focus on Upper Egypt grievances

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi said that his government is working to put an end to ongoing developmental and economic problems in Upper Egypt.

Speaking at a public event at Sohag Stadium on Saturday, Morsi – with the attendance of Prime Minister Hisham Qandil, chief of presidential staff Fathi Refaa El-Tahtawi, and a number of governors – stressed that numerous improvements are being targeted.
"Upper Egypt has long suffered from the lack of many [fundamental] services, and today we are here to work on unemployment, security, and infrastructure, among other things," he said.
"We feel you and we feel your problems, and the government will come up with solutions to the accumulated issues the Upper Egyptian governorates have been suffering."
El-Tahtawi called on attendees to support the president, and the crowd in the stadium chanted: "With our blood, with our soul, we'll sacrifice for you, Morsi."
The president also faced opposition during his trip to the south of the country.
Hundreds staged anti-government protests in Upper Egypt's Sohag, gathering in Al-Thaqafa Square in Sohag city and chanting against the government's policies and Morsi's visit.
Clashes reportedly broke out between the protesters and police, who fired teargas to disperse the crowds. A number of people suffered from breathing difficulties as a result.
Morsi also had to cancel a meeting at Sohag University with the university's faculty and students, as hundreds of students protested against his visit.