• 14:05
  • Monday ,18 March 2013

The Assassins

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,18 March 2013

The Assassins

 Three days ago Al-Ahram Magazine published the names and pictures of the ASSASSINS who killed in cold blood last August 16 of our solders, I recall upon the Israeli attack on Gaza several years ago and when Ex-president Mubarak ordered to shut down the borders with Gaza as Israel always pretended and claimed that Hamas get weapons and ammunition from Egypt, so Mubarak to cut off Israeli excuses and claims shut the borders what was the re-action of Hamas then? They did blow up a part of the border's Wall and killed a solder! 3 of leading officers of Hamas involved in this assassination and Hamas spokesman denies -for God sake when did an assassin who killed in cold blood confessed ?

Hamas spokesman claimed:
1. This are lies
2. There is a campaign on Egyptian press to damage Hamas reputation in Egypt
3. He asked to bring to justice the whole matter -Egyptian Justice and he is ready to come and testify himself
4. Answering a question about the illegal underground paths that our army is shutting down he said : This is an agreement between two individuals who decided to dig the the path in between has nothing to do with them (Hamas)!
5. He brightly avoided to answer all straight questions of the presenter opening efferent subjects not to the point!
Now let me comment on those claims in order:-
1. Lies? Why would a journalist who respects his job lie and why lie about those individuals with name and picture and not just publish what he has to say without names or pictures keeping himself off the hook?
2. Hamas reputation is already down the drain thanks to their acts not to the press!
3. Bring the case to the court? Which Court the one Dr. Morsy disrespected and tried to abolish several times? But the case is already by the MB attorney general drawer never opened or closed since Tanatawy was dismissed we never heard of this case and we -Egyptians- are not going to let go of the case we want to bring to justice the killers whomever they are!
4. The illegal underground paths question was how essential are they for Hamas and if really they do collect TAXES on those underground paths? I never heard any answer on both questions as he start deviating to how the paths are dug in concession between two individuals and changed subject brilliantly!
5. Answering one of the very few questions he did answer about the Palestinian individual who attacked the Judge of the supreme court he said his mother is Egyptian lives in Egypt! Sir, I have news to you all Hamas individuals who cross the borders legally or illegally live in Egypt using Egyptian resources which Egyptians themselves can not find like Solar or Petrol ect...and the question was not where he lives but Why a Palestinian would attack an Egyptian Judge? We never got any reply on this question as quickly he diverted to other subjects typical political deviation to other subject not to answer embarrassing questions otherwise he would had never got his tiles as spokesman of Hamas!
Let me remind you all with Hamas re-action in August last years upon Tentawy decision to shut down all underground paths and the big debate on BBC between Israeli spokesman, Hamas spokesman and Egyptian side spokesman about that decision and how Hamas was crying misery about it to the point the Egyptian spokesman ask Hamas rep. Why all this fuzz while the official cross by Rafah path was opened officially by Dr. Morsy decision?! Obviously we never heard an answer!!
Moreover, Kassam militants had cursed Egyptian army and boldly threatened to crush the Egyptian army for shutting down those damned illegal underground paths!!!
This was documented and presented on Pharaeen channel by Lamis Hadidi who cried and could not keep reading the document Kassam issued! As an Egyptian I felt assaulted in my Army that I stood behind on October 6th. And still trust up to now in spite of some question marks on the behaviour of it's Military Council that history will give us an answer sooner or later.
Let me remind you that this Egyptian Army is the only army that defeated Israel so far and made them issue their famous S.O.S. Call to the states that stood firmly behind them to the point ex presided -R.I.P.-Sadat said -I defeated Israel but I'm not ready to fight the states! And accepted the ceasefire! This Egyptian Army is the only standing still army in the region after the Syrian army turmoil and Yemen has gone with the wind! This Egyptian army that all Egyptians not only love but have some one or more in it a father, son, brother or uncle belongs to all Egyptians and any assault on it is a personal assault on any of us this army was disrespected and publicly threatened and what a shame the said -Egyptian President- closed his ears and eyes and not even tried to said a word 
about it like if no one had said any thing!
I wonder how many presidents their army was insulted and publicly attacked and threatened and never said one single ward about it? Is this what we should call our Egyptian President? I'm sorry I always said it and re-iterate it now Dr. Morsy is not my president never elected fairly nor presented me I can not accept as Egyptian President so help me God!
God bless Egypt and Egyptians we are all behind our Army and we are not going to stop asking the assassins of the 16 Egyptian Solders be brought to Justice!