• 01:49
  • Friday ,29 March 2013

Who is next?

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,30 March 2013

 Who is next?
Freedom of speech is one of the fundamental rights that have been authenticated in the Human Rights Declaration. Egypt is one of the countries that created the declaration, which means it is committed by such rights and also it is required to protect this freedom not attack it. 
What had happened lately to Baseem Youseef and many other journalists summoned for investigation in front of the appointed general prosecutor is referring to the carelessness of the Egyptian government in protecting this so-called “Freedom of Speech.” 
Attacking this freedom of speech means that the party in power tries to cover his failure by attacking the media, politicians, the opposition etc. This is the main trait of any failed political regime. I believe this is the beginning of the end of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Looking at the history, we can see that any political regime begins to attack the media after failing in all aspects, which includes economic, political and social life. Their main aim will be the media because it is the only tool that can comment on everything and anything without being afraid of the regime.
The Muslim Brotherhood is close to falling, and I’m sure that it will fall soon. The Muslim Brotherhood cannot last more in this political life mainly because it is not a political party. On the contrary, it is religious group. How can we even fathom that any religious group can work in politics and could succeed? I believe it is impossible.
I whole-heartedly believe that the Muslim Brotherhood will start to send all free voices into jail because this is the only way can stop those free voices from declaring the truth to the nation.
But this is not everything. There is one more thing we have to focus on, which is the rest of the political powers who are responsible for what is happening in Egypt right now. 
The opposition is a main participant because they allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to dominate the situation.  I believe the opposition has to work together to declare the truth to the nation. Without the opposition being united, nothing will happen on the ground.
I wish we could understand these facts and work according to them because the opposition should show more capabilities to be in power. That means being able to lead and address a good message to the people. It should work within the community and among the people not just from the TV.
The opposition should shed the illusion that the Muslim Brotherhood will corrupt any election. They need to work hard to gain honor leading people to vote for the opposition for any upcoming elections, not to boycott it.