• 15:55
  • Friday ,26 April 2013

Army or New Election?

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,27 April 2013

Army or New Election?

The political powers right now are divided between 2 attitudes, one of them is asking the army to come back and be in charge, and the other is calling for a new election. The question we have to ask now is, "Which choice is the best?" Do we have to choose between these 2 choices, or is there a new alternative?

Let's take each choice individually and see the pros and cons. Firstly, people who are asking the army to come back to power are the same people who asked the army to leave before the Presidential Elections. Did we forget what the army did when they were in power? Did we forget Maspero and what happened to the Copts?

I don’t believe that the army is the right choice at this time. I don’t believe that the army can make any progress politically or economically. The only thing the army can contribute to is security, but, however, if the interior ministry goes back to its role and works efficiently, the army will become obsolete. 

The army is lacking any experience in managing a country like Egypt. The army will return us to a state of fear. Whoever believes that the army can do anything is completely mistaken and furthermore, is just trying to revive the army to take revenge from the Muslim Brotherhood, as they are the only power to let the Muslim Brotherhood leave the authority. 

Let's have a look at the second choice, which is a new presidential election. Let's say that we had a new presidential election and Morsi won again, what will be the situation of the opposition at this time? Will they be silent and satisfied because they couldn’t achieve any progress on the ground?

I believe that a new presidential election will be a disaster for the opposition in the case that Morsi won the election for the second time. It will show that the opposition has no supporters in the street. 

So what is the solution? From my view, the solution is to work hard until the next coming election and be ready for that election so the opposition can achieve something on the ground and be able to mobilize their effort for the next 3 years to be able to compete in any up-coming election. 

We have to think logically about the future. We can't just look to the current moment. I believe that the future is for the opposition if the opposition works hard from now until the next 3 years. But will the opposition listen and work or will just waste its time on TV?