• 11:12
  • Thursday ,16 May 2013

Hundreds protest woman's disappearance in Egypt's Gharbiya

By Ahram Online

Home News


Thursday ,16 May 2013

Hundreds protest woman's disappearance in Egypt's Gharbiya

Hundreds of people besieged the security directorate in Gharbiya's Kafr El-Zayyat on Wednesday over the alleged disappearance of a woman in nearby Asdima village

The woman, G.A, 24, a housewife, is believed to have disappeared on Tuesday afternoon after she did not return home from a trip to the market and her phone was turned off.
Clashes began earlier in the night when protesters blocked the Kafr El-Zayyat-Tanta railway with burning tires. The protesters were angry at the alleged inefficiency of the security forces in searching for the woman.
Protesters also blocked the main Alexandria-Cairo agricultural road, which prompted security forces to threaten to use tear gas to disperse them