• 20:53
  • Thursday ,16 May 2013

Social justice in salaries

Gergis Wahib

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,15 May 2013

Social justice in salaries
The revolution of January 25th came to achieve several goals including social justice. However, more than two years passed since the revolution and one year since president Morsy took office, none of these goals was achieved. On the contrary, things only are getting worse. Many factories and companies are closing, thanks to the policies of the Muslim Brotherhood, applied literally by Dr. Morsy, as well as the bloody fatwas of fanatics calling arts and antiquities “haram stuff”. Moreover, they proudly call the liberals and Christians as infidels. I’d like to concentrate in this article on social justice as unrealized goal of the Egyptian revolution. 
Salaries of official jobs in Egypt vary from place to another, even for graduates with the same qualifications and experience. In fact, each sector or ministry offers different salaries. For instance, graduates who got Bachelor of Commerce in 2002 receive in the Ministry of Petroleum around 5.000 EGP while the same graduate would receive 3.000 EGP in the Ministry of Justice and only 700 EGP if he or she works at the Ministry of Health or Agriculture.
Furthermore, the minimum monthly salary in the Ministry of Petroleum is 4.000 EGP, which the Undersecretary of other ministries doesn’t get. Additionally, employers in the Ministries of Electricity and Petroleum get huge bonus while others get nothing.
This injustice was one reason for the revolution, and now after the Muslim Brotherhood took office; the situation has gotten even worse. The new rulers are only concerned with seizing the country, not solving its problems.
Caring about social justice as main goal of the revolution, the president should have tried to solve such problem. However, I blame those who don’t belong to the MB, yet supported Morsy in the presidential elections. However, I can see them suffering now, just like April 6 movement that supported Morsy in the elections, and now he has sent them to prison.