• 12:42
  • Thursday ,04 February 2010

The best era for," parking"

Dr. Naguib Gibraeel



Thursday ,04 February 2010

The best era for,
The one who follows the political and the legal mobility prevailing in Egypt during the last two decades, will directly note some important issues about the state that has achieved a remarkable success to change this political and legal  mobility to be changed into a theatrical scene where a party of liberals and those thinkers, to gather with many different classes of people, talking about the religious rights or the political  freedom  those were made by the state with success to be the group for the relief of rage and anger of the status- quo.  
The state took into consideration that those selected members were allowed to go on marches and strikes, to be aware of those people's realization that the policy of the state is represented by the principal," the policy of immobility and the limited mobility, on the best",
 the mobility that doesn't reach the end with the marches and the strikes, but to make this limited  mobility driven to the end for a  relief for rage and anger.   
The state reached a far end for this issue, for example, the state managed in the policy to marginalize the Copts and put them under pressure without a response to the prior of their human rights, this is represented when the state doesn't allow the law for the unified code for building places for worship, to handcuff a lot of those Christians to reconvert.
The state through this direct and indirect pressure to push the Copts to resort to the Church, to cancel the identity of more than 15 million Copt citizens to be included in one person, H.H. Pope. Shenuda,  the third. The sate, then, created and personified the principal of racism and sectarianism. In many previous session of the peoples' assembly and the Shura council, when appointing some Copts in those two assemblies    
The church is asked to name those members, so the state may have forgotten or made it on purpose that the Copts work with a sectarian agenda but on the national agenda then accuses them that the church practices some policy of indoctrination when the Church calls for the rights of the Copts, then pushes both the Copts and the Church in accusation of working a sectarian agenda. Some chief editor of one of the national newspapers wrote attacking Pope Shenuda, the Third, about how H.H. was not able to stop priests in the Diaspora in marches for strike executed by the Copts in Canada, America, Europe and Australia during the catastrophe of Nagi' Hamaddi. 
This chief edition with a lot of hints and significances criticizing the Pope as not able to nail one of the priests claimed to denigrate Islam abroad although there are more than seven satellite channels following the Islamic trend  working form inside Egypt spending day and night denigrating the Christians and Christianity. I have formerly filed an urgent suit to stop what is so-called MTA channel that broadcasting from London on the Egyptian Nile Sat that is financed by the taxes paid by the Copts and the Muslims and denigrating the Christian faith.  
The file was refused, for sorrow, so the talk changed to be a dispute for the rights of the Copts not as citizens but between the state and the Church leadership personified in H.H. Pope. Shenuda, the third, and the one who talks of the rights of the Copts from outside the synod is accused of calling for a sectarian strife and doesn't wish good for Egypt as empowering the foreign powers. This is what they accused me of empowering the foreign powers when I saw the arrival of the religious freedom committee  that visited Egypt lately after the fatal incidents of Nagi' Hamadi to number the violations on the minorities and the Copts in Egypt. 
We said that this committee's work is no0t an intervention in Egypt's interior affairs but this committee should be considered with the norms of the international law, as Egypt is one of the countries included in this international mechanism that affect and affected with these norms, mentioning the partnership of Egypt with this developed countries and the effect of these violations on this partnership.   
There were floods of rage against us in Egypt; we were accused in many topics of the newspapers of arousing sectarian disputes and empowering the authority of the foreign powers, for nothing more than H.H. Pope. Shenuda, the third, refused to receive this committee. This action emphasizes that the state, as I mentioned, is keen on including the Copts in one person, H.H. Pope. Shenuda, the third, taking the principal of citizenship as must be done through the Church, then comes the incidents of Nagi' Hamadi, and before this comes the incidents in Farshoot, Samalout, Minya, Ayyatt, Minofia, Abu Fana monastery, Alexandria, and Oddysatt.   
So the solutions are not based on the ground of citizenship but on the ground of satisfying pope Shenuda. Our dear reader should not understand that I refuse or against the pope speaking about the problems of the Copts but we should interpret this on the right way to say that the Pope is to speak about the problems of the Copts as all these problems undergo the responsibilities of the Pope in what concerns the freedom of faith, building churches, and praying in general, but what the Pope, does and should be considered by the state is that the Pope speaks about the problems of the Copts but not the Copts, the proof for this is what we found on the political surface from the other parties, those who object against the Pope when he gave his support to the president to be nominated as president and his support to the national party.    
But the state played a remarkable unprecedented role to add legality when it doesn't allow a hearing for the Copts unless it is through Pope. Shenuda , the third, the state could listen to the elite thinkers or the advocates for Human Rights, this happened during my last meeting with the leadership members of the National Party, general authority, and the policies committee, two months ago, this could be for paving the way to decide policies and decisions for the problems of the Copts, but this all is a response for meetings or calls with the Pope.   
But the state may have forgotten or forgets, as succeeded to include the policy for centering the elite in what is called the policy for,"parking", and gave them the chance to believe that this is the best era for them to say whatever they want, or to declare, in whatever way, the elite thinks about their calls as written or broadcasted or mentioned in marches or strikes. 
But the state should realize that those elite has this duty to include some socials masses that reached the majority of the people focusing on refusing any,' grey", solutions and to refuse the policy of mobility or the limited mobility as the idea of the national sovereignty should be isolated from the international legality. 
There is an international terminology known as the international concern, the Copts refuse the church to be a country parallel to the state, in turn the civil state requires a long civil struggle with patience, there is no citizenship without the majority and the minority together. The legality comes out of the state itself and its people on the large scale with its majority and its minority together. So many people were victims on the alter of freedom, so the state should learn that if they succeeded to declare the policy of ," Parking', I will remind the state with two verses written by an Arabic poet saying," a scream in a valley, if vanished today with the wind, tomorrow it will take the roots 
The rights of people should not be changed into gifts or graces but it is a broken set of rights in the constitution and the law together. It is for the welfare of the state to change this sectarian perspective into a national agenda, and to bear in mind the human rights as the voice of those who have no voice, the history proved that the public revolutions came out of the pressure on them by the state.   
It is true that achieving the real citizenship in the third world countries can be done in a night's search but it is not apt to a delay or laziness as the bitter injustice is the slow justice so working with transparency is a must but not the double face of a coin, as the legality of the regime is attached to the legal solutions for the citizens. 
We persist on enjoying a constitution for live but not a constitution that has a hollow gap between its codes and reality, it is mentioned by one of the wise people of the French law," the constitution of  the state could not a real one unless it becomes lively". One of the Egyptian law wise men said," there must be the well for transparency when we form the constitution and the law', for example how do we say that our constitution took into consideration the principals of citizenship and the freedom of faith and an obstacle in the constitution is the second code that sets the legality and the general order of the society in Egypt is a general Islamic order that gets us out of the civil state conception.     
Finally, the state should be aware that we have got an end to our infancy, and reached the age of maturity, the flame of freedom is now on fire to the top, so no one on earth is capable of putting this flame off as it is a sign of freedom and democracy, without those two pillars 
We will be living in a dark tunnel that would lead us to more sectarian disputes and rage, as I mentioned in my previous articles, would lead us to," the days for rage". 
Dr. Naguib Gibraeel,
President of the," Egyptian Union", organization for Human Rights.