• 00:55
  • Tuesday ,14 October 2014

Are the Copts caught in the trap?

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,14 October 2014

Are the Copts caught in the trap?
The Copts have not yet fallen in the trap of the Muslim Brotherhood. I say this in the third anniversary of Maspero massacre when 24 young Egyptian people have been killed by the armored vehicles of their own country. Those Copts were demonstrating against burning the church of Marinab in Atfih.
Yet, these days, many people are calling to avenge for the martyrs from the army. They are trying to trade on their blood.
If you ask me, I would say that those so called activists have achieved nothing for the martyrs. They should have formed a team of lawyers to demand their rights and work on the case. 
It’s worth mentioning that the Coptic martyrs were included in the lists of martyrs considered and compensated by the state. In fact, the Muslim Brotherhood and the American Administration were active in the events as well.
I wonder: Why should the armed forces issue such decision to kill the Coptic demonstrators at Maspero? It should be stated that the Copts never hate their army as they pray for them on daily basis in the holy mass unlike other people who kill the Egyptian soldiers on duty. This was part of the great conspiracy against Egypt.