• 00:49
  • Thursday ,23 October 2014

An important message to the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,23 October 2014

An important message to the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces

Mr. President, Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Egyptian armed forces. 

Your Excellency on October 21 have inaugurated new units added to the Egyptian Navy, in order to add power to defend our country. However, during the celebration, you have broken the constitution and citizenship rules by handing the holy Quran to the leaders of the new units with the Egyptian flag. This religious touch to our navy came against the equal citizenship of all Egyptian citizens including the Coptic Christians.
Note: I am not against the Holy Quran, but I refuse such message of religious discrimination that should prevent Christians from joining these forces.
You had two options: either to deliver the holy bible along with the holy Quran or to hand the Egyptian flag only to assure our civil state. I hope such note will be taken into consideration in the future.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely
Dr. Michel Fahmy