• 03:40
  • Thursday ,30 October 2014

U.S. warns of possible attacks against citizens in Maadi schools


Home News


Thursday ,30 October 2014

U.S. warns of possible attacks against citizens in Maadi schools

The U.S. embassy in Cairo issued a warning Monday for the American citizens to be on alert and take all security measures after a jihadist website threatened to target American and Western schools in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

“A recent anonymous posting on a Jihadist website encouraged attacks against American and other western schools and teachers in the Middle East, and specifically mentioned Jeddah in Saudi Arabia and Maadi in Egypt as locations with high concentrations of potential targets,” the embassy stated.
The U.S. asked the citizens to “remain vigilant regarding their personal security and alert to local security developments.”
An American school in Maadi declined to comment to The Cairo Post on the security measures that followed the American warning.
Since the January 25 Revolution, the U.S. department of State has issued warnings to the citizens in Egypt to avoid protests and observe all security measures.
After the militant attack on military personnel in Sinai’s Arish Friday afternoon in which 31 soldiers killed and dozens injured, Egypt is on high alert and has launched several operations targeting the militants.
There are two Al-Qaeda inspired separate groups (Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis and Ajnad Misr) carry out militant attacks on the police and military forces.