• 04:23
  • Friday ,03 July 2015

Canadian Coptic Association offers sincere condolences to al-Sisi

Naim Youssef

Top Stories


Friday ,03 July 2015

Canadian Coptic Association offers sincere condolences  to al-Sisi
Canadian Coptic Association issued a statement offering its condolences to President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the Egyptian government and the Egyptian people, for the assassination of the General Attorney, Hisham Barakat, claiming the necessity of arresting perpetrators of this incident who are indeed traitors and terrorists.Canadian Coptic Association issued a statement offering its condolences to President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the Egyptian government and the Egyptian people, for the assassination of the General Attorney, Hisham Barakat, claiming the necessity of arresting perpetrators of this incident who are indeed traitors and terrorists.
It also demanded in its statement the arrest of all the terrorists whom committed these criminal acts against Egypt and all Egyptians. Statement pointed out that this terrorism is a natural output for long years of inciting hatred, intolerance and racism in Egypt.
The association called for the separation between religion and state, law enforcement equality, and citizenship.