• 08:47
  • Friday ,17 June 2016

Obama out, the Brotherhood stays at the White House

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Friday ,17 June 2016

Obama out, the Brotherhood stays at the White House
The US administration used to use and support the Muslim Brotherhood no matter who the president is. The Muslim Brotherhood helped them carry out their plan to destroy the Middle East known as the Arab Spring.
America and the Muslim Brotherhood thought that January 25, 2011 was the beginning of destroying the Egyptian state. The conspiracy succeeded supported by Hilary Clinton and Anne Patterson and many agents like Saad Eddin Ibrahim and his wife.
The Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters used youth movements in addition to Hamas. The Egyptian regime was overthrown according to the plan. Naguib Sawiris and Ibrahim Issa and Mohamed ElBaradei attacked Prime Minister of Egypt Mohamed Shafiq leading to his dismissal. Then they accused Mubarak of killing the demonstrators leading to his imprisonment.
This was part of the plan to destroy the Egyptian state and to hand it over to the Muslim Brotherhood. The SCAF was not ready to participate in the political arena just like it wasn’t ready to support Mubarak and save him from prison. Egyptian armed forces had to face the increasing terrorism in the near countries and inside Egypt. Terrorists in Libya, the Sudan and Hamas surrounded Egypt in order to make the conspiracy of January 25 succeed.
In fact, I repeat these incidents in order to shed the light on the important role of the Muslim Brotherhood in that account.
The Americans, Zionists and the Islamists are linked together. America will never change its policy towards Egypt and the Gulf countries. Their policy will never change after Obama leaves the White House.
After the recent attack of the Muslim young man in America in which 50 people were killed and 53 were injured. The seventy-year-old billionaire may be elected to accelerate the pace of the clash.