• 03:14
  • Monday ,25 July 2016
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Unfolded Facts OR Unmasked Lies

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,25 July 2016

Unfolded Facts OR Unmasked Lies

Was it a military coup or a Comedy for more dictatorship what happen in Turkey last Friday 15th July 2016? The fact is that Erdoğan was somewhere in Turkey far away from Estambul  or Istanbul -in Turkish speaking language- and when the news spread about a military coup he -Erdoğan- freaked out and flown away from Turkey, tried to seek political asylum as a refuge in Germany but denied landing, contacted Britain and still did not get an answer but he was saved by Obama when allowed landing in the military in Turkey that was authorised by Erdoğan few years ago to be used to fight Daesh in Syria!

Here I'm not judging what was true or lies I'm just recollecting what was said in the news with one unique comment that within 20-30 minutes I did conclude this military coup will fail if not already failed! But I kept following the news expecting a confirmation this military coup failed!
Upon my following I saw many disturbing other news the worst was the execution of a small Syrian boy no mercy how they do expect any mercy from the Lord?
As I said I'm not writing this to judge Erdoğan was it a real failed coup or an Indian B-movie I'm just writing down or documenting events for a later use but adding as well my feelings about bad news in Germany, France and many more places, and I've got the feeling that France is badly on the spot to pay back their stance from the Islamic state that was aimed to Isolate Egypt from the far southern west of Ivory Cost with Bouko Haram up to the far north east of Syria with Daesh, France being in charge of Mali naturally did not allow Bouko Haram to control so a revenge is needed and it was not too hard to remind Algerians they did lost 1,000,000 martyrs + Gamila Bouhret, and it's a real game with the Algerians of French Nationality knowing that having a nationality other than your born one does not mean necessary you do not love your mother country and owe it some sacrifice!
Real or fake news spread as well on Facebook (that I do not consider as a source of news) morning the death of Christians in the governorate  of Minya calling it independent state of Minya true or false is not the point the real point is the re-action of President Sisi that confirmed we are ALL Egyptians with equal right we should not allow Muslim Brotherhood to spread the sectarian violence that was always their best weapon and so many times FAILED! And this proves it was not just lies or fake news:-
Diocese of Minya renewed its demands of law enforcement in recent sectarian attacks!
Back to Erdoğan his Indian B-movie or failed coup this was the perfect opportunity to attack once again Egypt on top of all who went to jail and whom he wants to execute and I know he would execute them with or without the parliament's approval!
Any way I know today is not yesterday Frencois Holland is not Rene Coty France today is defending its own liberty and security not that of yesterday imposing its existence and occupation on Algeria and the death of 3 solders in an intelligence mission in Libya does not mean NATO is about to re-attack Libya to Kill Cadaffy again!
I rest my case and leave matters in the hands of the only one who runs matters GOD!
May God keep blessing Egypt and Egyptians, and his peace be with you ALL!