• 23:47
  • Wednesday ,27 July 2016

We aspire to a suitable law for the churches building, bishop


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,27 July 2016

We aspire to a suitable law for the churches building, bishop
Coptic Bishop Paula of Tanta expressed his readiness to meet with governmental officials to discuss a new draft of churches building law scheduled to be discussed by the parliament during the current parliamentary round, Youm7 reported on Wednesday.
The bishop, authorized by the church to coordinate the ecclesiastical relations with the government, revealed that he visited Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Magdy Al-Agaty last week before his meeting with governmental and security officials to discuss the new law.
Paula stressed that he is the only representative of the Egyptian churches in the consultations over the law, expressing his aspiration to reach a law compatible with both the church and the Egyptian state.