• 23:25
  • Friday ,29 July 2016

Government should finalize Church building law soon, Politician


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,29 July 2016

Government should finalize Church building law soon, Politician

MP Ehab Mansour praised the meeting between Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi and Coptic Patriarch, Pope Tawadros II at Heliopolis’ presidential palace on Thursday, Youm7 reported.

The parliamentarian, who leads the Egyptian Democratic party’s parliamentary bloc, stressed, in a statement published on Friday, that the meeting comes to express the president’s keenness to keep the unity of Egyptian people.
President Sisi discussed, during his meeting with ecclesiastical delegation, the challenges facing the country during the current period, stressing the need of keeping the Egyptians unity as the only way to overcome these challenges.
The parliamentarian called the government for taking serious steps to finalize  the church building law to be discussed by the parliament as soon as possible and to resolve the problems fueling sectarianism in Upper Egypt’s provinces.