• 08:47
  • Wednesday ,28 September 2016

Reality of Media

Mina M. Azer

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,28 September 2016

Reality of Media
The Egyptian media has failed several times to cover many events like the visit of the Egyptian president to Hillary Clinton. It only published the statement of the presidency. Egyptian media ignored statement of Hillary Clinton in which she called to release Aya Hijazi and respect freedoms in Egypt.
Egyptian media thought that half of truth is more than enough. However, this is failure of our media since it didn’t report the full truth and ignores half of it.
Media in Egypt reported about the Minister who used to live in a famous hotel for a huge amount of money, which led to his dismissal. Yet, it has not concentrated on the corruption of the ministry. Many TV presenters used to defend the minister concerning this corruption.
Egyptian media concentrates on achievements of the government, but not on its mistakes like securing Egyptian airports and restoring the Russian tourism. It doesn’t talk about the negligence of the government for thousands of closed factories and the anger of the citizens because of the high prices. Egyptian media doesn’t talk about many Egyptian youth who are in jail though courts set them free.
It should be known that the worst blind person is that the one who has eyes but is not willing to see.