• 02:40
  • Monday ,08 May 2017

Two alleged militants killed in gunfight in Tanta


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,08 May 2017

Two alleged militants killed in gunfight in Tanta

Two alleged militants affiliated to the “Hasm” and “Lewaa Al-Thawra” movements were killed in a gunfight with security forces in Tanta, north of Cairo, on Saturday, according to the Ministry of Interior.

The ministry said the incident occurred “after receiving information that two alleged militants affiliated to movements linked to the Muslim Brotherhood” are hiding in a field close to the international road between Tanta and Kafr Al-Sheikh.
The two suspects then reportedly opened fire at the police upon the arrival of the security forces, leading to an exchange of fire. Two guns and ammunition were found with the two men, according to the ministry statement.
It added that one of the deceased men made the bombs that were used in targeting police officers in the Tanta security camp in early April, which resulted in the killing of two officers. Additionally, the other suspected militant is accused of planting the bomb there.
The group Hasm later declared its responsibility for the attack.
Tanta was later hit again, this time by the so-called Islamic State militant group, during two church bombings in Tanta and Alexandria on Palm Sunday, killing a total of 45 and injuring dozens.