• 08:48
  • Thursday ,16 May 2019

My kingdom isn’t from that world

By-Samia Ayyad

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,16 May 2019

My kingdom isn’t from that world

The kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ is different from all other earthly kingdoms. It is full of advantages, and blessings. We earned its membership card through faith and baptism.

Father John Nassif, priest of the Virgin Church in Chicago said in his article, the features of Christ’s Kingdom, about its unique features and how it affects our lives on earth.
First, it is not from this world. it is spiritual kingdom rather than earthly or materialistic. It aims to lift people up to God and let them enjoy better life. Second, it is a kingdom of modest people since its king is truly modest. It is also a kingdom of saints. Third, it has true peace that comes from the heart and fills the mind and leads the actions. Fourth, It is victorious and glorious kingdom that the cross is its sign and secret of glory.
Fifth: it lasts forever in the hearts of the faithful people. Sixth: it is open for everyone who accepts Christ through baptism and the Holy Sacraments.
Man should always remember that the world will come to an end. Thus, money, power and lusts will not benefit. Man should rather seek the fruits of the Holy Spirit and follow the commandments of our Lord in order to win the everlasting life.