• 03:29
  • Monday ,27 May 2019

Controlling the Media

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Monday ,27 May 2019

Controlling the Media

For long time ago Egypt was known with its free Media and everyone was able to express his opinion without censorship, however, after creating what is called the highest media authority there is no freedom of speech any more. 

Recently the media authority decided to stop many programs because they didn t follow what is called the “Media Ethical Chart”. Instead of resorting to the court and they determine what is with the law and what is against the law. Now This authority became a small court ready to eliminate anyone doesn t follow its chart. 

Unfortunately, such kind of authority will never create a free society but on contrary, create more fears and doubts among society. 

We all remember that Lames Al Hededy, Basma Wahba, Al-Ghandor, Mortada Mansor, and a lot of people suspended to appear on the TV Media because of this committee. 

I m not defending any of the people mentioned above because I might differ with their own way to address their messages, however, you can t create sound society by banning everyone but let the people select and choose what they want to listen to.