• 11:06
  • Thursday ,11 July 2019

My strength is made perfect in weakness

By-Samya Ayyad

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,11 July 2019

My strength is made perfect in weakness

The strength of the disease did not prevent him from continuing to preach, but he continued to serve with all vigor and activity until the last breath. He is our teacher Paul the Apostle who considered illness at his young age a blessing for his life.

Father John Nassif, Priest of the Church of the Virgin in Chicago, said in his article  thorn in the flesh  told us about the blessings of the disease as mentioned by St. Paul the Apostle. 
Disease protect man from arrogance and gives flow for grace and condolences. Moreover, illness increases love among the people and reveals such love.  
St. Paul the Apostle suffered from many afflictions, persecutions and dangers for the sake of Christ, but he was borne in joy, saying, "For when I am weak, then I am strong." Thus, the grace of the holy spirit supported all ministers who suffered from illness and pain.
We shouldn t stop at the pain lest we face despair and lose our hope in God, but we should regard it as a blessing for our lives as St. Paul the Apostle considered.