• 02:47
  • Friday ,15 November 2019


Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Friday ,15 November 2019


Trump Impeachment is going serious this time and it seems that the democratic party insisting in taking Trump out of the oval house.

That reminds me of what happened with ex- American president Bill Clinton when he was accused of having a relationship with one of the ladies with working in the white house. 
They were judging Clinton not because he had a relationship but because he lied and said that he didn  t have a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky. 
Bill Clinton admitted later that he had a relationship with Monica and admitted that he lied. Now Trump did the opposite. He did something wrong, but he didn  t lie about it. Trump admitted talking to the Ukrainian and asked them to investigate Biden son otherwise he will stop the military aid. 
I believe that at the end the congress will refuse the impeachment and the reason behind that is because the republic party will remind the democratic party that they refused Clinton impeachment and they have to give them the favor back.