• 00:10
  • Wednesday ,20 November 2019

Reconsidering Coptic Media

by Fadi Youssef

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,20 November 2019

Reconsidering Coptic Media

 I think the main reason for the rejection of the Coptic street to the new presenter of CTV not because he is a Muslim man, but because he had never had any position of solidarity with the Copts. He is clearly not aware of the Coptic cause in order to talk about it.

It is normal to face the rejection from the Copts since the Program Felnour in the most viewed talk show among the Copts.
However, if we look at the Coptic media scene, we will find 3 channels inside Egypt and 9 abroad. Yet, nobody among the presenters is known for defending the Coptic cause.
The Coptic media has to reconsider its presenters concerning the Coptic issues and should exclude those who spread false information and rumors, and replace them with true Coptic activists who dedicated their lives to the Coptic cause.
We don’t need professional presenters, but strivers who are able to talk about their people better than anybody. Those are able to transfer the picture, heritage and challenges without exaggeration aiming to defend the rights of the Copts in equal citizenship.