• 12:44
  • Friday ,27 December 2019

Relationship between man and God

by Samia Ayad

Article Of The Day


Friday ,27 December 2019

Relationship between man and God

 Prayer is the life of communion with God that expresses mutual love between God and humanity. This is the reason God created Adam and Eve and put them in the paradise.

Thus, His Eminence, Bishop Benjamin of Menoufia told us in his article  The Effectiveness of Prayer  about prayer as the common factor that all the apostles, saints, and martyrs enjoyed expressing their love for the Lord.

Prayer does not mean asking for earthly needs since God already knows them and and gives us generously, but prayer means praise and glorification of God and constant thanks to his countless blessings. Moreover, after the fall of man in sin, prayer has other spiritual goals such as asking forgiveness, preserving the purity of conscience and human thought, and feeding the soul in order to triumph over the temptations and desires of the world.

Hence, the importance of prayer is to get support over Satan s wars and strengthen love between man and his Lord and among people.

Through prayer, a person rises with his spiritual life, feels a permanent yearning for God, and protects himself from vice, impurity, and subjectivity, but seeks spiritual virtue and lives in love, joy, peace, and other fruits of the Holy Spirit.