• 21:58
  • Wednesday ,11 March 2020

Media and silence on truth

by Majed al-Raheb

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,11 March 2020

Media and silence on truth

 Media is the mirror of any society and it is the voice of the people. It is a powerful engine of public opinion, especially in a community with a great deal of illiterates. It can support or destroy the image of the society. Thus, such media can be domesticated to serve the officials and ignore many topics that people are interested to know.

In that case, the agenda keeps concentrating on the interests of the regime and the government turning the trivial issues into public opinion. For instance, the cases of kidnapping minor Coptic girls are simply gored for years under the Wahabi extremist culture. Many of them decided by their free will to do so, but many were forced to. Recently, several organizations appeared to work in that field, including a woman who claimed to be secretary of Pope Tawadros to convince young Coptic girls to trust her and follow her to the unknown.
Ignoring such cases for any reason like it doesn’t concern the majority is very shameful for the media. Such ignorance gives a chance to such gangs to continue doing their evil job in peace. I appeal to the honorable people of this country, from the media and the legal men, to confront this diabolical phenomenon and open investigations in all governorates of Egypt in order to put an end to this escalating phenomenon.