• 03:14
  • Tuesday ,11 August 2020

Egyptian intelligence and black carbon

by Jamal Rushdi

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,11 August 2020

Egyptian intelligence and black carbon

 In the ninetieth, the Egyptian Minister of Defense was Field Marshal Abu Ghazala. He was one of the most brilliant and powerful defense ministers in the history of the world and presented several military theories. There was an Egyptian scientist specialized in military engineering named Helmy Abdel Qader, a graduate of Egyptian military art. This man was born in Minya governorate and he achieved first place in his class and worked in Egypt for a while before he traveled to Canada and then entered America and joined the American military factories. He was a very talented, and within months America gave him a security permit to enter all American military places because of his extraordinary capabilities in the military industries.

In that time, an alliance took place between Abu Ghazaleh, Iraq and Argentina to manufacture and develop ballistic missiles, but they needed a substance called black carbon, which only exists in America.
There was a colonel in the Egyptian Intelligence Service named Hossam Khairallah ( A former presidential candidate) was assigned by Field Marshal Abu Ghazaleh to communicate with the Egyptian scientist Helmy Abdel Qader. Indeed, he communicated with him and agreed to transfer the black carbon substance to Egypt. Helmy Abdel Qader was a very patriot Egyptian who excreted a great effort to recruit an American scientist to help him prepare the package and send it to the Egyptian embassy and then to Egypt.
At that time, an Egyptian traitor named Muhammad Morsi (former president of Egypt) was recruited by American intelligence to monitor all Egyptian movements in the state in which he lived in exchange for educational and financial facilities, and he was also attached to the American NASA agency.
Morsi was assigned also to spy on the Egyptian scientist Helmy Abdel Qader who was very intelligent and careful, but he thought that Mohamed Morsi is a naive village man who can never be dangerous. Morsi, however, listened to a phone call between Abdel Qader and Khairallah and revealed it to the CIA and exposed the operation and Helmy Abdel Qader was sentenced to 25 years in prison.
The American administration asked Mubarak to dismiss Abu Ghazaleh who was the best defense minister in the world at that time and participated in planning with Saddam Hussein in liberating Faw from Iran and breaking the thorn of Iran. 
Later, in the presidential elections following Mubarak s resignation the traitor and spy Morsi won the elections supported by the USA, but the patriot sons of Abu Ghazaleh were present to save Egypt