• 00:15
  • Thursday ,13 August 2020

New head of Egypts Court of Cassation sworn on by President Sisi


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Thursday ,13 August 2020

New head of Egypts Court of Cassation sworn on by President Sisi

 The new head of Egypt’s Court of Cassation was sworn in by President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi on Wednesday, a statement by the presidency said.

According to the statement, Abdullah Omar Mostafa Shoda was sworn in before the president as the new chief of the country’s highest appeals court, replacing Abdullah Amin Mahmoud Assr, who served as head of the Court of Cassation for only one year. 
The statement said that El-Sisi has expressed his appreciation for Assr bearing the responsibility for the advocacy of justice and the application of the law to uphold the public’s interest.
The Egyptian president also granted Assr the merit of the state.
The appointment comes following the ratification by El-Sisi in June 2019 of laws regulating the appointment of the heads of top judicial bodies, which were passed by parliament to be in accordance with new constitutional amendments passed in April last year.
The new laws include legislation regulating the appointment of judges heading the Administrative Prosecution Authority, the State Lawsuits Authority, the Court of Cassation, the Military Judiciary Authority, and the State Council.
Under last year’s amended laws, the president has the authority to pick the chief of each of the abovementioned judicial bodies from the seven longest-serving deputy heads for a one-time term of four years, which ends if the age of retirement is reached.