• 23:52
  • Thursday ,26 November 2020

St. Luke martyrdom

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,26 November 2020

St. Luke martyrdom

 Luke the physician, one of the seventy apostles, was a famous physician in Antioch and wrote the bible named after him. It is considered the third gospel and is known for being very rich in details. St. Luke was concerned with the history of the origin and growth of the Church with all its worship and traditions, and his Bible also mentioned the historical sequence of the revelation of the kingdom of God, and expressed the work of God with man. It talks about Jesus Christ and the salvation in a wonderful way. Likewise, his gospel has become a major reference in theology, history and apostolic tradition. He is called: the teacher, the physician, the painter, bearer of enlightened light, third evangelist, full of apostolic zeal, the virgin and martyr.

He wrote his gospel in order to complete his mission and spread the correct evangelistic knowledge, and declared what was necessary to be revealed by the impetus of the Holy Spirit. Likewise, his writing of the Acts of the Apostles replete with Christian wisdom and correct teaching about the Holy Spirit. His gospel was called "the gospel of divine friendship" as it was called (the Ecumenical Gospel) as it represents the call of all humanity to the Savior and Friend of man.
Some theological historians saw that St. Luke the Evangelist presented a history of salvation and promise, and that the plan of the Trinity would not be announced. His writing of the Book of Acts also complemented the Gospel. He revealed in his Gospel the depth of the work of salvation in the service of Christ, and revealed in the Book of Acts how the Church held on to the power of salvation from the hand of the Lord and took its power from the Holy Spirit.
Luke the Evangelist, the first Christian historian, wrote a spiritually inspiring story about the emergence of the Church, which carried the strength and grandeur of the Christian beginning, and the cornerstone linking the books of the New Testament, "the Gospels and Acts", was characterized by meticulous examination of wounds that did not go beyond his observed eye as a physician and as a historian. .
He had a strong friendship with Saint Paul, whom called him “the beloved physician” (Colossians 14: 4), as he called him to work with him. He was famous for his art as a painter, and the icon he painted for the Virgin, the Queen, the bearer of the Lord God, is his mark In Christian Iconography. He was martyred at the age of eighty-four, may his blessings be with us all, Amen.