• 04:23
  • Friday ,25 December 2020

Christmas joy

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,26 December 2020

Christmas joy

Although covid 19 is dominating the scene right now but we shouldnt forget that christmas always brings joy to the families and communities and we shouldnt let vocid 19 ruin our christmas experience. 

Its a time to celebrate christmas differently, people usually were devoting their time for shopping and getting gifts, however, it might be a good time to celebrate christmas in helping others or getting groceries for elder people who cant go out because of this pandemic. 
Whatever you choose to do, it should always bring joy and happiness to you, your family and for people around you. 
Its a time to be grateful and to look not only to what you just miss but to what others miss and you have. Its a time to think about new year and new hope because dreams should not stop.
Wish you all a Merry Christmas and A happy New year.