• 23:43
  • Thursday ,02 December 2010

Second Christian protester dies after Cairo church clashes


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Sunday ,28 November 2010

Second Christian protester dies after Cairo church clashes

CAIRO: A Coptic man shot and wounded in clashes with police in Cairo this week over thwarted plans to build a new church died in hospital on Friday, a security official said.

Milad Mikhail, 24, died in hospital after two unsuccessful operations on a stomach wound.
He was the second protester to lose his life as a result of the clashes; the other, a 19-year-old youth, was shot dead during the Wednesday incident.
Hundreds of Coptic Christians had stoned and fire bombed police in separate clashes in the Giza governorate after riot police surrounded a community centre the Copts wanted to turn into a church. The police responded with bullets and tear gas.
The governorate said the Copts were violating the terms of a permit to build a community centre by attempting to construct a chapel inside.
Christians need a presidential permit to build churches, in contrast to the ease with which mosques are granted building licenses. The decision is often delegated to governors.