• 04:31
  • Sunday ,17 July 2011

Activists launch Facebook page to cover protests


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Sunday ,17 July 2011

Activists launch Facebook page to cover protests

Activists on Sunday launched a new Facebook page to report events taking place in Egypt's major squares.

Mass protests that began on 25 January eventually led to the resignation of Hosni Mubarak from the presidency on 11 February, and since then the major squares have become epicenters for protests, which often begin on Fridays, to push for the revolution’s goals.
Observers say that mass rallies on Fridays have piled pressure on the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), forcing it to introduce core reforms.
On its Facebook page, the Mayadeen Masr News Network (Egypt’s Squares Network) said it is an “independent media network that objectively monitors the pulse of events in Egypt's freedom squares." 
The network, liked by more than 2300 Facebook users since its launch this morning, said it would provide photographic coverage of events.
The number of Egyptian Facebook users increased by one million during the 25 January revolution. The social networking website was used to call for protests and disseminate information about them.
Most revolutionary groups in Egypt, some candidates for the presidential election, the ruling SCAF and the government of Prime Minister Essam Sharaf have official Facebook pages.